Saturday, March 25, 2017

Black Rabbit

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

Black Rabbit
Déjà Vu Outside The Moment

At the edge of night on the shortest day
More like summer the winters first day
Did pass my path to the gardens edge
Black Rabbit did stray
Seemingly unafraid
Made its way to the gardens edge

To eat
To gleam
As it would seem
On morsels
On pieces
Of summer dreams
Of that
Of which
Was left behind
Of a time of plenty
Discarded to the memory of time

Do you come to eat I asked
To eat the present of the past
To get you to another day in time
Where the moment after the moment
Becomes the moment once more

Find something else to think about
You will be ok
The moment after the moment is
A place men create inside the mind
Is the answer Black Rabbit gave

In that moment 
Night and day did meet
In a time and place
Of me

Calling me back to the moment
Taking me into the moment
Revealing the moment through the eye
Of Black Rabbit
To the eye of mind
Taking me back to me
Back from the moment outside the moment
Beyond the moment of dark reality

Dark the rabbit
At nights edge door
Light the moment
Locked away reality
Of time of plenty

Something else to think about
The moment is waiting
On you
To change the way
You see
Outside the moment
Inside of you
How you perceive
The path
To return to

The moment

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Monday, March 13, 2017

In The Sound

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

In The Sound

I don’t ever want to have anyone in my life that I can’t forgive
I don’t ever want to stop loving someone once I love them
I never want to say I lost a friend
This is my strength
This is who I am

I dipped my hand into the water

A river
From the rain
Running down the street
At one A.M.
Cold and cool the flow
Against my hand

As I stand in the slow rain

The rain I once walked in
All night
Unusually warm
On December
I could feel the life

How could anyone 

Share the life
Of the flow
Of the love
Shut it away
A prisoner in the mind
For life

A prison for a friend

Life was not meant for such
Things to become
Realities on the streets
Reality in the minds
Of friends

There is a web of light 

Like the stars dripping from the trees 
Take a look down at the rain
As it falls upon night
Comes upon warm or falls upon ice

Take a look at the water

You will always remember
The life

Take a look at night

You will always feel
When we put our hands
Into the water
Of life

Take a walk out into the rain of night

Feel the wet hair and cheek
See light glisten on the street
Moving against the darkness
Let the water of the street rush by your hand

You will hear me talk to you

I will hear you answer too
In the
Of the  
In the

In the sound

This is who I am

The Meaning Of The Question
For Myles

As I place into the water
In the gutter
Two hands 
Two friends
One street
One died
One lived
We meet
Upon the blood
Spilled on the street
One loved
One taught me how to love
I lost him
She met him
He saved her life
One winter night
At the point of death
On the street
Now he talks to her
As he once talked to me
Two boys long time past
Explaining the meaning
Of the Question
That Questions the meaning of Life

Listen to the words

He speaks

This is who I am

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions