Monday, December 31, 2018


Déjà Vu 
The Moment


“Change is inevitable 
Struggle is an option” Unknown

More Than Turning Back Time 
More than anything
I wish you peace

If I could give you anything
Anything in this life
More than wealth
More than your dreams
I would give you peace

Even more then the love I long
To give to you
I wish you peace

More than the life
You long for and I long to give
Give to you

If I can not
Then I wish you peace

Peace that keeps your mind at ease
Peace that keeps your heart a rest

Greater then love
That two can share

I wish we could
This peace

More than anything
I have ever done
Or could do

That you would see
And find yourself

My Friend

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Turn Key

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

Turn Key

“The only thing that really matters that went wrong
Happened inside of your mind” Maharishi Déjà Vu

I became locked in a prison
Inside of my mind
I don’t know how
Was it because 
I love
I trust
I care

Was it because
It was real to me
But not enough
To be love
To the love
To the one 
That shared love
With me

How can someone
Know love
Then turn love 
Into something
Without face

Leaving the memory
Avoiding the memory
The mind
Of those they know 
Love them
Telling themselves
It was not love

I became a prisoner
Locked inside the solitary
Of my mind
Compassion the key
Held in your hand
I have turned it for you
But you will not turn it
For me
It is the same key
That keeps you 
From ever
Being free
Get a good look 
At what you have turned into
You could have turned to kindness
Instead you’re losing your soul
To your self

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Mind Motion

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

Mind Motion

There’s a windmill of though
Spinning through my mind
To the speed of life around me
It’s got its own timing
Going on

But love’s got a wind
That will take the spin
Of the windmill in the mind
To a lightning speed
That’s hard to control

To dance like the wind
It’s the kind of spin
That will dance right through
All you are

Mind motion
Starts with the wet
And turns to an ocean
Moving it’s mighty 
Currents through
All of who you are

It’s got a speed all of its own
Own or owned
Who you are

Some people can talk 
Yet never say a word
I can hear you
In my head
In my heart
Even when you don’t say a word
It is an understand
That we share

I am not ashamed of who I am
It is who I was made
To be

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Outside In

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

Outside In

Are you worshiping feeling bad
Are you locked on to the negative
Relating to emotional pain
Finding yourself stewing 
In despair or hopelessness
Without joy or peace
You’re stuck because your focus
Is turned against you
You’re seeing life
Inside out
When there is no reason not
That you see the focus
Outside in

Let yourself 
Out of the prison
Of the mind
For a little while

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Peace Revealed

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

Peace Revealed

How I love your peace Lord
Anoint me with your peace
Cause it to spread in my heart
In my life
Around me

Let the seed of peace
In my heart
Be of you
Let it take root
Deep into every
Thought and feeling
I am

Let it spread through me
Blotting out the effects
Of my sins in me
So that I may always
Know and remain in
The shelter of
Your peace

The peace of eternity
Now in my life

Let me meditate
On your peace
That I might live
In your peace
Every moment
Of every day
All the days
Of my life

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Mind Ease

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

Mind Ease

Refocus your mind
On restful

The kind of calm
That you feel
When you are tired
When your mind gives up
Going over
The situations of living

When you can feel
The comfort of
The place you lay down
Without resistance
Feeling the soothing moments of the
Slow sinking of the
Soft bedding
Beneath you

Focused only on
The peaceful
With the cares of life
Fleeting away
Make this
The Focus
Of ever moment
Of your life

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Nuclear Seed

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

Nuclear Seed

Focus on the good things
Stop expecting
When you have given
You have done your best
And what you must

Peace will follow
But it comes from within
If it is returned to you
It is the fruit
From the peace
You have sown

The giving
Hang on to

The peace that
Grows within you
Is a gift
Of life

A seed of peace
With the effect
Of a nuclear reaction
Everything in its path

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Sunday, June 10, 2018

With The Love

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

With The Love

Something to look forward to
Every day of my life
Looking forward to the day
Looking forward to the seasons unfolding in time
Looking forward to each moment that is new

The dignity of having peace
The peace of living free from fear
Of what is ahead
Seeing the good in living
The beauty unfolding in time

This marvelous life
As painted on each moment
Of eternity

Eternity at peace
With my soul
With who I am

Something to look forward to
Making peace with the moments
Of this life
With the love of a child

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Privilege To Share

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

The Privilege To Share

Loving someone
Gives you peace
When they are gone
You did love them
They were your friend

That in you shared
Turns the memories into
The best of the good 
That you both shared

This is the part
That will
In our hearts
In our mind

It is what we 
Take into 
That we

Did love

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Saturday, April 21, 2018

In Search Of The Good Thought

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

 In Search Of The Good Thought

Teach me the way
To find the good though
That ignites the mind
That leads to the river 
With its rushing waters
That flows through
The mind
Turning all bad to good

So many wrong thoughts
Cross the mind
Through the mind
They become
Who we are
We are the sum
Of the thoughts
That survive in our mind
What survives in your mind
Becomes who you are
Meditate on the
That are
The right thoughts

The roots of wrong thinking
Though they may grow deep
In our minds
Are not deeper
Then the effect 

Power to effect
Power we become
To effect
Starting within ourselves
Effect the world
Starting with the world
Within ourselves

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Pilgrimage Mind

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

Pilgrimage Mind

A quiet mind
The becoming
Healed of the pain
Of memories
We’ve become

That you might have peace
Deep inside of your mind

The I don’t want to mood
Attacking the critical
Issues of the mind

What survives in your mind
Becomes who you are

How good can you feel
Just do what you have to do and
Find a way to be happy
In your mind

Let go of what’s
Got a hold
Of your life
Let your mind
Get set free

Don’t stop in the middle
Of what you are doing
And get distracted
Never tire of the good
Of who you are

We are the balance
Of the good
Of who we are

Pilgrimage mind
It is the journey
Into the deep
Deep into
Who you are

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Reconstituted Mind

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

Reconstituted Mind

It takes faith
To stop the fear
To stop the indecision
To reprogram your
Failed thinking
To renew your mind

You can’t get better
In your life
In your mind
Living in fear
You have to live in
Faith to get 

Its not about what is enough
It is about what it takes
What will work

Fear and doubt
Will undermind
Who you are
Everything about you
Disconnecting what is good
In you and 
Your life

Fretting and worrying
Only makes us feel worse
You can’t fix the way you think
Because you have too many things
In your life that have not been fixed
Working hard on the surface things
But the root things have not changed
That’s why you can’t keep peace
When you find it

See from the outside

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Perfect Peace

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

Perfect Peace

There is peace
There is your peace
There is my peace
Peace with its limits
Peace with its
Peace that sustains us
Until it fails us
Peace with its false 
Sense of security
Until we are led from the place
That provides us sanctuary
From the storm of uncertainty
The rain of confusion and pain
There is a peace
Our peace
The peace we believe
We have known
In our lives
Then there is perfect peace
A peace with more power
Then anything you can think
Or understand
Peace that will change
In life

We have known

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Reflection Of The Images

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

Reflection Of The Images 

Always becoming who we will be
Concentrate on who you are
The things you are good at 
The things you love to do

Change the relation in your mind
Of how perception is determined
By changing the type of image
That you tag with each
Association of your life

How we associate
Each moment of our life

Gives birth to
Reality today
We live 
The reflection
Of the 
That play through
Our mind

Solitary confinement of the mind
It leads to liberation
Of focus

Every man must be taught the same thing
But every man must be taught differently

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Thursday, February 22, 2018


Déjà Vu 
The Moment


The Mirror
The Reflection

From what we were
Through who we are
To what we will become

The Spirit is the refection of God 
That we see through the mirror of the Son

The love
Put into motion
Into the family of man
A mirror of the light
Of love

Always becoming
What we will be

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Me Will Be

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

Me Will Be

Someone else
When I’m someone else
That is not me

Through time
Which I’ve become
Someone else than
Me to me

Evolving from me
Into another me
This new some other me
Me will be

An instant into which
I am becoming
I am
Me will be

Me will be
More of that
Less of this
I am the future

Liberated child
Of yesterday’s
Confined on the day

A kiss
Upon the face
Of a better time

Someone else
To me
Be I will
Me will be

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Understanding

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

The Understanding

I found answers
In the understanding
There are answers
To the reasons
To the questions
In your mind

Though they don’t say
It was because
Of what they need
That they stay
Close to the love

But they lose face
Of the love
When they wanted the plan
To the point that it
Made what they love
Turn to pain

No face
No peace
No rest

When you
Have no face
For the love
That you long 
To love

I gave the love
I’ve seen the need
Now I understand

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Secret Riddle Society

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

Secret Riddle Society

"When you leave on a good note
 Then you did it right" Maharishi Déjà Vu

Got somewhere you’re going
Enjoy what you are doing
Feel the flow of life moving around you

Take the time to notice the motion
Of actions that you make
As you move through life

Your body movements
The effect of your prospective
On the world around you

The ripples you make
Across the waters of life

Across this pool
This mirror of life

The ripples always roll away
Until they become 
At peace
With all

Every movement
A dance
With life

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions