Monday, October 14, 2019

I Am Peace

Déjà Vu 
The Moment

I Am Peace

Within myself I died
All that I loved
All that I wanted
All that I am
All of my dreams

The things of life
That I longed for
That I needed
That I could not live without
All of them became 
Pain and anxiety to me

Every day I fought to let them go
Every day they diminished me
My life became smaller
Less to do
Less to go
Focused on obsession
Running from anxiety

All that I am had to die
Inside of me
Letting it go felt like helplessness
But in death I found peace
Better to die to self
Then to live in torment

All of the power that was breaking me
Became the power to live in peace
Giving me power to get up and move
To surrender my anger and selfishness
Fear blame and guilt
That was poisoning me

Freeing me from
What was
What was not
What would and
Would not be

To grow
To live
To love 
To see
To forgive

To let go of me
Now I am free


I am peace

Maharishi Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu The Moment

 ©  Sicilian Family Productions